The Bremen Musicians

Сценарий внеклассного мероприятия The Bremen Musicians.

Подготовила учитель английского языка: Тарасевич Мария Владимировна.

Сценарий внеклассного мероприятия The Bremen Musicians.

Scene 1 (Troub., Donkey, Cat, Dog, Cock)

Сидит трубадур и на балалайке подбирает мелодию. К нему по очереди подходит петух. Собака, осел и кот, и начинают подпевать.

Troub.: Hello, friends1 Who are you and where’re you from?

Dog: I’m a dog. James Dog. I came from Britain.

Cock: And I’m French one. My name’s Louie.

Donkey. I’m a donkey. Ich bin aus Deutschland. My name’s Frederick.

Troub.: And my name’s Jan. I came from Belarus. I like music. I travel from country to country, giving concerts. Sometimes for money but usually for pleasure. And now I’m going to palace, to               . My dream is to become the best singer there!

Donkey: Of course, you are a superstar. But I’ve got a better idea…. Let’s make a group.

  All: That’s good!

Cock: But how do we name yourselves?

Dog: Maybe the Beatles?

Cat: or Rolling stones?

Cock: or maybe Black eyed Peas. Then we have more chances to win.

Troub.: Ok, let’s decide what to sing(уходят со сцены совещаясь).

Scene 2 (Princess, King, host, Dandelion von Faberge, Arthur McWizzard)

King: Oh, my dear daughter. It was so clever of you to make the contest.          is so amazing and  new!

Prin.: Oh, daddy, I like singing and dancing1 it’s so boring in your palace and I want balls, guests, dances and music1 I want to have fun!

King: Sweetheart, let it be as you wish.

Host: Your majesty, everything is ready All guests are here!

King: guard! Take your positions1 May we start!

Host: Attention! Attention! Ladies and gentlemen!          Opens its doors today for everyone. The firs performer is Dandelion von Faberge… (исполняется песня в стиле хард рок).   Thank you, thank you, mr. dandelion. And the next singer is Arthur McWizzard  (классическая оперная ария на иностр. языке). Applause to Mr. Mc Wizzard. And now, ladies and gentlemen, welcome the group “          ”. (исполняют песню «Луч солнца золотого»).

King: St-o-o-o-p! Stop it immediately! Guards! Take them away!

Prin.: Daddy, I’m ready to name the winner1

King: No, you’re not!

Prin.: Yes I am!

King: No, you aren’t!

 Prin.:Yes! I AM!

King: ok, than the rules are changing! Tomorrow there will be the second tour of the contest!

Prin.: Father! You’re terrible!

King; but your precious musician is great! This beggar won’t у with you1

Scene 3(Prin., Troub.)

Troub: Princess!

Prin.: Troubadour!?

Troub.: Princess, you are so beautiful that I can’t even put it in words! And your voice is like charming music for my ears.

Prin.: oh, Troub., I’d like you to win the contest and to become my court musician. Than we could see every day!

Troub.: Don’t worry, Princess, I’ll do something.

Scene 4 ( Host, Princess, King)

Host: Ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to the second tour of your music competition Group”                  ” is for your attention! (исполняют песню «Весь мир в наших руках»)

Pr.: They are so horrible!  Disgusting! Where is my troubadour?

King: Disgusting you say….. Excellent! Mr. Host. We are ready to name the winners.

Host: Dear guests and citizens of Nowhere kingdom. The winner of the competition is the group “                    ”.

Scene 5 (King, Detective)

King: Sweetheart! Wake up! Dear, where are you? Guard! Send for the best detective in the kingdom.

Detective: Well-well-well. Somebody has passed  here and there… aha! There is a very suspicious unpleasant type…

 King: Hm, hmmmm, I’m the king actually.

Detective: Yeah, of course, your majesty. That’s what I meant. How could I help you?

King: Run, catch and take them back!

Detective: Yes, your majesty, but I need some help.

(песня «Пусть нету ни кола и ни двора»)

Detective: So, here you are.

Ataman: What do you want from us? Tell!

Detective: I helped you one day, and now you should help me.

Scene 6 (Princess, Troubadour)

Troub.: We’ll go far-far-far away from here and will travel around the world.

Princess: I don’t care where to go only to be with you.

Появляется сыщик, хватает принцессу, разбойники держат Трубадура. Трубадур раскидывает разбойников и бежит следом.

Scene 7 (Hostess, King, Princess)


Hostess: Your majesty! The princess’s found! She’s come back!

King: My dear daughter!

Prin.: Leave me alone! I don’t want to live without Troubadour.

King: Silly girl! You’ll forget everything in a few days and will marry prince Pigelk. This is his photo. Look, he’s so handsome, isn’t he?

Prin.: Yes, almost Prince Charming. I’m not going to marry him!

King: You’re so skinny my poor child eat something.

«Ничего я не хочу!»

Scene 8 (Troub., Dog Cat, Donkey, Cock)

All: What happened?

Troub.: They’ve taken Princess

Cat: Who “they”?

Troub.: 3 robbers with their chief and a detective.

Dog: so what we are waiting? Let’s get Princess back!

Scene 9 (Ataman, robbers)

Ataman: Well done! We had a lot of fun.

R1: Much fun but no money

R2: Where is money?

R3: yes, where?

Ataman: don’t worry guys. We’ve taken the Princess back, and the king will give his gold.


Donkey: cock – a doodle-doo-o-o-o.

Cock: Mooo

Dog: Miaow

Troub.: The plan is good but it needs some changes.

Scene 10 (Troub., King, Guard)

Песня охранников перебивается песней разбойников.

King: Help, help! Police! Help me anybody, somebody! SOS!

“Куда ты, тропинка…”

Troub.: If only the king could give me a chance!

King: Young man, I’m here! Hey! I’m here!

Troub.: Your majesty? How did you get there?

King: I was walking around you know…

Scene 11 (Ataman, Princess, King, Troubadour )

Ataman.: Oh princess! WE wanted to rob your father but somebody did it before us! They stole him!

Prin.: Oh, my poor father! Guard1 I’m going to rescue him! Where is my sward?

King: My dear child, what are you doing?

Prin.: Father, I wanted to save you from those terrible robbers!

 I’m OK my dear. A very pleasant young man rescued me. I think you know him…

 Prin.: Troubadour?

Troub.: Princess!

King: And who are you madam?

Ataman: I’m…. a-a-a-a-a… mademoiselle Matilda.

Hostess: And now let the ball start!

Животные стоят под дверями дворца и уже собираются уходить, как к ним присоединяются Трубадур с Принцессой, а седом за ими – Король и Атаманша.

Hostess: to be continued… 


The Bremen Musicians


The Bremen Musicians


The Bremen Musicians



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